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The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School home page

The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School


There is no national system for tracking pupil progress against the National Curriculum. Schools are expected to demonstrate (with evidence) their assessment of pupils’ progress so that they can keep parents informed, enable governors to make judgements about the school’s effectiveness and also to inform inspections by Ofsted.



In the Early Years Foundation Stage, assessment of children working in the seven areas of learning and development is through observation by the class teacher and well-trained support staff. Observations made throughout the year inform the final assessment at the end of Reception and we use a program called Tapestry to record these. Tapestry is an online tool that enables teachers and parents to work closely together at this key stage of development.


At the end of each pupil’s reception year, the team will provide judgements against the ‘Early Learning Goals’ (ELGs) which can be found in the Early Years Framework. For each ELG, teachers will judge whether a child is either:

  • meeting the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS (‘expected’) or;
  • not yet reaching this level (‘emerging’)

This helps us to identify your child’s needs as they move into Key Stage 1.


KS1 & KS2

We follow the statutory assessment and reporting arrangements for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, using the data from these to support the process of gathering the information we need to ensure that every pupil is making the progress that they should. If any pupils are underperforming, we can make sure that they receive the help and support that they need to get back on track.


At the end of each term (three times a year), each pupil will again be assessed using one of five key judgements:

  • Working Below - Pupils who are not yet working on the objectives linked to their year group.
  • Beginning - Pupils who have started working at the appropriate age curriculum, but have not yet secured the expected learning for their year group.
  • Developing - Pupils who have started to progress through their age-appropriate curriculum.
  • Secure - Pupils working at the standard expected for their year group. 
  • Greater Depth - Pupils working beyond the expected standard for their year group, showing greater depth and understanding.


Class teachers will talk to each parent about their child's progress at parent/teacher consultations and will prepare annual reports.