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The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School home page

The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Intent

Through our school values, we acknowledge our responsibilities to enrich lives and promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We believe in lifelong learning and aim to equip our children to live life today and be ready for tomorrow.


At The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School and Marlborough Infant School, we have designed a broad and balanced curriculum which celebrates diversity and develops the skills and knowledge of all children. Our curriculum provides opportunities for all children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.


To view our Curriculum Policy, please click the link below which will navigate you to our policies page.


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our Reception class (Year R) are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, where the curriculum consists of seven areas of learning and development, as per the EYFS Statutory Framework:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development - developing confidence and independence as part of a group
  • Communication and Language - communicating with one another through speaking and listening skills
  • Literacy - developing early skills in reading and writing
  • Maths - learning about number, quantity, measurement, shape and space
  • Understanding the World - investigating and beginning to understand the things, places and people around the local community
  • Physical Development - improving control and coordination of the body and learning to move and handle equipment efficiently
  • Expressive Arts and Design - finding ways to communicate by using colour, shape, sound, texture, dance, movement, role play and stories.

Children in Year R learn through a range of activities, which include self-directed spontaneous play, planned focused teaching and learning activities, exploration, experimentation, discussion and investigation. Much of the learning is practical and based on real life experiences.


After a year in Reception, children move on to Year 1, where they study the National Curriculum.


Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2)

Key Stage 1 consists of years 1 and 2, whilst Key Stage 2 is years 3-6. Children move into Year 1 in the September after their 5th birthday and start to learn the subjects of the National Curriculum, which are:


Other subjects which are taught are:


There is a transition phase as children start Key Stage 1 and make the change to a slightly more structured day and way of learning. Children are still actively engaged in activity based learning and there is a focus on reading, writing and maths, supplemented by a broad and exciting curriculum. 


We have designed a varied and interesting curriculum that supports children’s progression of skills through the school. The overviews for each year group can be found below.


Our curriculum newsletters (click on the links below) are designed to give parents details about your children's learning each term. They include a class timetable and important information such as PE days and year group-specific diary dates.


To find out more about the curriculum our schools are following, please contact Mrs Webb (HT), Mr Davies (AHT), or another member of our senior leadership team.