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The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School home page

The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School


Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
As two diverse school communities, our core Federation value of 'community' ensures that there is tolerance and respect of people with different faiths and beliefs. We ensure that children are well educated about these beliefs through the teaching of Religious Education, the Rights, Respecting and Responsibilities charter, and through our work with other schools, agencies such as the Ethnic Minority and Travellers Advisory Service, Aldershot Churches Together, and through the ways in which our core values underpin our Federation.


Our children readily discuss their place within our culturally diverse society, their faith and beliefs and our children have a wide knowledge of how we are all different, but at the same time, the community that we all belong to. Children are respectful and sensitive to this.