The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School and Marlborough Infant School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We believe that all children have the right to be happy, to be safe and to learn. Whilst we all have the responsibility to make this happen, we have a dedicated safeguarding team who work across Federation. These are:
Wellington | Marlborough |
Mr Russell Davies (DSL) | Mrs Sarah Collins (DSL) |
Mrs Amanda Webb (Headteacher) | Mrs Amanda Webb (Headteacher) |
Miss Clare Singleton | Mrs Alexis Pinto |
Mrs Sarah Mark-Richards | Mrs Sarah Mark-Richards |
Mr Joe Bostock | Mrs Poppy Williams |
Mrs Olivia Osborne | Mrs Clare Litwin |
Mrs Alexis Pinto | Mr Russell Davies |
Safeguarding Governor:
Lee McQuade
If you ever have any concerns that are of a safeguarding nature in relation to the vulnerability and/or risk of any of our children and/or families, please contact one of these members of staff via the school office.
The following link from the Hampshire County Council website provides contact telephone numbers to be used if you have any safeguarding concerns of children outside of school, or that you cannot report to the school.
Safeguarding children and young people - safeguarding children
The contact telephone numbers are as follows:
Office Hours - 0300 555 1384
Out of Hours - 0300 555 1373
You can also e-mail Children's Services at where e-mails are checked within office hours. Always call 999 in an emergency or if you think a child or young person is at immediate risk.