Welcome to the Governor's page
The governors are responsible for key decisions towards the school, working in partnership with the Local Authority and school itself. The Governing Body is now a federated Governing Body across both schools. It has a responsibility for the strategic direction of both schools, monitoring progress against school improvement priorities, evaluating school performance, and ensuring that the schools meets all of their statutory requirements.
Our governors are actively involved in school life, supporting our vision and the work we undertake; they are active members of the school community. Our committees and Full Governing Body meet half termly to review school progress and performance.
The clerk to the governors or the chair of governors can be contacted via either school office (contact details are at the bottom of the page).
Are you interested in becoming a school governor?
We are always looking for new members to join our team of school governors.
To express an interest, in the first instance, please email either school office and they will be able to pass on your details. One of our existing governors will then be in contact with you for an informal chat.
Wellington: / 01252 326573
Marlborough: / 01252 323910