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The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School home page

The Federation of Wellington Community Primary School & Marlborough Infant School

Relationships Education (and RSE)


At Wellington and Marlborough, we are dedicated to keeping your child safe. This extends beyond the classroom and beyond their time with us. To this end, we are always looking for ways to improve and update our curriculum to ensure that it reflects the needs of our community.


We hold a 'Healthy Relationships Week' each year across both schools. Lessons are taught by class teachers, alongside the class LSAs. 1:1 adult support will also be maintained if your child receives this.


Our curriculum is developed by our Deputy Head/PSHE Lead, to ensure that all content is sensitive, culturally-reflective and developmentally-appropriate.


The week focuses on how children can have safe and healthy relationships, how they can keep themselves safe online as well as in person, what happens during puberty, the biological differences between males and females and, in year 6 only, the scientific facts of conception. This is part of our PSHE curriculum which supports our child's holistic health: their social, emotional, physical, mental and personal health.


Parents and carers have the opportunity to view and respond to the curriculum content in two ways. We hold a consultation before teachers are trained in the curriculum. This allows us to take into account your opinion on the learning and make any adaptations that we deem necessary. In addition, we will make the planning available on this page and alert parents/carers to our online survey.


After the sessions are held, we also hold a child survey at school as this allows us to make adaptations to our curriculum ready for the following year.


All children take part in the sessions as these are statutory. Please see our Healthy Relationships policy (via the link below) for more information on the right to remove from the Sex Education lesson.  


Click below to view our RSE policy